====== Dragon Water Config ====== Main configuration window. \\ Open with: **Window > Dragon Water Config**. {{:water:dragon_water_config.png?direct&400|}} ---- ===== General ===== * **Auto Time Simulation** - if enabled, ''DragonWaterManager.Instance.Time'' will be incremented automatically with ''Time.deltaTime''. Disable it if you want to process this value manually. * ''DragonWaterManager.Instance.Time'' is the only value that determines a whole state of water system. For multiplayer game, you will need to synchronize this value. * **Water Renderer Layer** - game object layer used for rendering water surfaces. It must be separate layer and it should be installed automatically. ---- ===== Infinite Ocean Mesh Presets ===== {{:water:dragon_water_config_oceanpreset.png?direct&400|}} Preset configuration for infinite ocean geometry type (see [[.water-surface]]). \\ It's quite advanced stuff so either experiment with it on your own or use predefined presets. ---- ===== Cutout Volumes ===== * **Cutout Layer** - game object layer used for rendering cutout volumes. It must be separate layer and it should be installed automatically. Read more: [[.cutout-volumes]] ---- ===== Underwater Effect ===== * **Underwater Volume Layer** - game object layer used that will be assigned to global URP post-processing volume, when under the water. Usually it will be Default layer. * **Underwater Volume Priority** - underwater global URP volume will be created with this priority. Read more: [[.underwater-profile]] ---- ===== Ripple Effect ===== * **Ripple Layer** - game object layer used for ripple casters. It must be separate layer and it should be installed automatically. * **URP Renderer Index** - index of URP renderer that will be used by ripple projector. Read more: [[.ripple-effect]] ---- ===== Build Settings ===== Additional settings when building player. ==== Water Shader Stripping ==== {{:water:dragon_water_config_shaderstrip.png?direct&400|}} Main water shader uses many keywords. \\ This gives modularity, but produces thousands of shader variants. \\ They take a lot of compilation time and unnecessary increase build size. \\ \\ You can configure here custom shader preprocessor to strip unwanted variants by marking what feature you use or not. \\ Every listed keyword has a note by what feature it is used, so you can decide what to do. \\ E.g.: * If you never disable specular highlights in material profile - mark ''_SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF'' as **Never Include**, so variants with disabled specular highlights will never be processed. * If you always use normal maps in material profile - mark ''_USE_NORMAL_MAP'' as **Always Include**, so all output variants will always include normal mapping enabled. **TIP:** If you are not sure about some keyword, leave it default. It is enough to configure stripping for only just a few main keywords to already see a huge improvement in building time and size. Approximately each stripped keyword reduces it by half. ---- ===== Debug ===== Configure logging level and enable debug inspectors.