====== Material Profile ====== Scriptable Object that contains configuration for material used to render Water Surface. \\ \\ **NOTE:** If you are changing mateiral profile values via scripting, you will have to mark surface material by calling ''SetMaterialDirty'' or ''SetMaterialsDirty'' on material profile object. {{:water:material_profile.png?direct&400|}} ---- ===== Base Material Settings ===== {{:water:material_profile_base.png?direct&400}} Here you set basic material settings. They can be affected by modiffiers in sections below. ---- ===== Color Noise ===== {{:water:material_profile_noise.png?direct&400|}} Additional color noise. ==== Hillness ==== Lighten/Darken base color depending on hillness value. \\ It's kind of addional layer to simulate water depth and SSS that comes from it. ==== Texture ==== Global color modiffication that comes from two animated textures that are blended using **min** operator. \\ Both textures must be grayscale R-channel textures. ---- ===== Subsurface Scattering ===== {{:water:material_profile_sss.png?direct&400|}} * **Overlay Strength** - how much final SSS will affect output base color. * **Emission Strength** - how much final SSS will affect output emission. ---- ===== Normal ===== {{:water:material_profile_normal.png?direct&400|}} By default, the only normal source is the one that comes from waves. If enabled, you can set up two normal maps, that will be animated and blended toether. * **Normal Global Strength** - global normal strength that also affects waves normal. ---- ===== Foam ===== {{:water:material_profile_foam.png?direct&400|}} If enabled, foam will be rendered. \\ Main texture and color settings are shared between edge foam and 1st layer of hillness foam. \\ All textures here must be grayscale R-channel textures. * **Normal Attenuation** - how much water normals will be attenuated by foam. * **Bias** - higher value means more foam will be required to attenuate normals. ==== Edge Foam ==== Foam that is rendered on edges, where water meets land and other objects. ==== Hillness Foam ==== Kind of global foam whose intensity depends on hillness - usually, with higher hillness value you want more foam. \\ Read more about hillness value: [[.wave-profile#hillness]] ==== Extra Hillness Layers ==== When enabled, you will can configure extra 2 layers of hillness foam, each with own noise texture and color. \\ Result of all layers is weight-blended for final output. ---- ===== Transparency ===== {{:water:material_profile_transparency.png?direct&400|}} * **Opaque** - no transparency, simplest option. * **Transparent** - surface is transparent and transparency comes from output colors' alpha. * **Refraction** - requires Opaque Texture enabled in renderer. Transparency comes from output colors' alpha. * **Distance Factor** - determines distance, where strength becomes 100x lower. Can depends on camera FoV - set it so refraction looks same from both, near and far distance. Default value of 100 is a good starting point. ---- ===== Reflections ===== {{:water:material_profile_reflections.png?direct&400|}} * **Off** - no reflections. Same as Simple with black color. * **Simple** - simple reflections where you set a single color. * **Default Environmental** - default enivornmental reflections, that you configure in Unity's Rendering window. This mode also supports blended reflections from Reflection Probes. * **Cubemap** - similar to default environmental reflection, but overrides cubemap with custom texture. Does not support blending. **TIP**: If reflections intensity slider does not work on fresh scene, make sure your scene have configured and actually saved settings related to reflections in Rendering > Lighting > Enivironment window. ---- ===== Ripple ===== Modiffiers for settings above, used only when ripple is enabled for surface using this profile. \\ Read more: [[.ripple-effect]]