Getting Started

  1. Configure your URP Renderer:
    • Add Dragon Foliage Render Feature
  2. If you don’t have any 3D environment, add a plane at position 0,0,0 and scale it to 100.
  3. Create empty game object in scene hierarchy root
  4. Set its position to center of your scene and rotation to 0,0,0
  5. Add Foliage Surface component
  6. You’ll be prompted in inspector to create new storage - do it
  7. Go to Area tab:
    • Click Volume Edit Mode
    • Set its boundaries to envelop your 3D scene
    • Make sure Volume Raycast Mask is properly configured so it will include only your essential, static 3D environment
    • Click Update - Resize
    • Click Bake Heightmap
    • (optional) To verify heightmap baking process you can enable Preview LOD Plane
    • Exit edit mode
  8. Go to Layers tab:
    • Add new layer
    • Assign Example Layer Definition - Grass Simple
  9. Go to Editor tab:
    • Enable Foliage Edit Mode
  10. Done - start painting!