Table of Contents


Interactions are sway animations generated by interactors.
There are included two types of interactors:

Interactor Projector

First of all, you need a projector on your scene that will collect nearby interactors and process them.
Projector is defined by volume, that defines frustum for internal camera used to scan, render and process interaction.


NOTE: Whenever you create new interactor, it will force its game object to be on separate, dedicated for this feature layer.
Due to this, it is recommended to always have interactors as separate game objects in your hierarchy (e.g. child objects).
Read more: Dragon Foliage Config

Primitive Interactor

This is simple, mesh-based interactor that acts like a collider for grass to animate it down. \
There are two ways to create them:

By default primitive interactor will animate grass down towards current direction it moves.
You can offset it or force to use direction pointed by forward vector (blue one on gizmo in local mode).

Wind Interactor

Makes wind blow effect that can be generated by e.g. fan or rotor.
To create it:

Wind Interactor has a bit more advanced shape that is visualised as gizmo when you have selected it in hierarchy.
Also, Wind Interactor is always aligned to XZ plane and only rotation along Y axis makes difference if you would like to move it.

Shape configuration:

Wind configuration:

Assign Projector to Surface

Final step to have projector actually working is assigning it to your Foliage Surface in Sway tab.

You can set projector in two modes:

Stiffness parameters:

Just like surfaces, you can have multiple projectors on your scene but you can assign only one to surface.
You can, however, have just one projector and assign it to multiple surfaces at the same time.