Table of Contents

Material Profile

Scriptable Object that contains configuration for material used to render Water Surface.

NOTE: If you are changing mateiral profile values via scripting, you will have to mark surface material by calling SetMaterialDirty or SetMaterialsDirty on material profile object.

Base Material Settings

Here you set basic material settings. They can be affected by modiffiers in sections below.

Color Noise

Additional color noise.


Lighten/Darken base color depending on hillness value.
It's kind of addional layer to simulate water depth and SSS that comes from it.


Global color modiffication that comes from two animated textures that are blended using min operator.
Both textures must be grayscale R-channel textures.

Subsurface Scattering


By default, the only normal source is the one that comes from waves. If enabled, you can set up two normal maps, that will be animated and blended toether.


If enabled, foam will be rendered.
Main texture and color settings are shared between edge foam and 1st layer of hillness foam.
All textures here must be grayscale R-channel textures.

Edge Foam

Foam that is rendered on edges, where water meets land and other objects.

Hillness Foam

Kind of global foam whose intensity depends on hillness - usually, with higher hillness value you want more foam.
Read more about hillness value: hillness

Extra Hillness Layers

When enabled, you will can configure extra 2 layers of hillness foam, each with own noise texture and color.
Result of all layers is weight-blended for final output.



TIP: If reflections intensity slider does not work on fresh scene, make sure your scene have configured and actually saved settings related to reflections in Rendering > Lighting > Enivironment window.


Modiffiers for settings above, used only when ripple is enabled for surface using this profile.
Read more: Ripple Effect