Table of Contents

URP Render Feature

To have Dragon Water working, you need to add DragonWaterRenderFeature to every of your URP renderer.
You will also need to take care of this URP configuration:

Water surface is rendered in additional pass, between opaque and transparent objects, when depth and opaque textures have been already acquired in URP pipeline.
However, water surface is drawn with enabled depth writing and while rendering transparent objects with custom shader you may want to have access to depth and opaque textures that already include water surface.
To achieve this, you have access to following settings:

Surface Camera Snap

As described in Underwater Profile, underwater in Dragon Water is binary, so either everything on screen is underwater or not.
This render pass automatically snaps camera position to be just below or just above water surface when it's too close to avoid seeing unwanted water edges on screen.
You don't have to do anything more, your camera controller stay the same with all linear transform interpolations - snapping is done at lower, rendering level.

Water Cutout

This render pass is used when one of your water surfaces have cutout enabled.
It draws special screen-space mask for cutout.