Table of Contents

Water Surface

MonoBehaviour component.


Assign geometry type.
Each type has different configuration
It is recommended to enable wireframe mode to visualize how detailed your mesh is.


Main configuration how's the surface actually rendered.

Cutout Water Volume

Enable to process cutout volumes for this surface.
Read more: Cutout Volumes

Use Ripple

Enable to process ripple for this surface.
Read more: Ripple Effect


If you have selected water surface object in hierachy, you will see wireframe bounding box rendered in scene view.
Here you can configurate height size of bounding box used for water detection.


Configure extra modiffiers for Floating Body, that floats on this surface.
Read more: Floating Body

Default Water Surface

If set to true, this will be default surface for easier accessibility via API and automatic optimization for Water Sampler. \\You do not need to have a default surface, but if you want, you can have only one.
Read more: Water Sampler